Źródło opisu
IBUK Libra
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Badio Janusz
Rok wydania
2020 - 2025
Kraj wydania
2 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
The papers in this volume concern different linguistic categories from a variety of perspectives. The first and second papers by Janusz Badio deal with evaluation in EFL written stories and the linguistic coding of events in agreement with their variable salience in conceptualisation. The chapter by Alan Cienki analyses gesture units to draw conclusions about language in general. Kamila Ciepiela looks at the category of identity as a product and process. Craig Callender presents a chapter on the perception and the nature of the phoneme followed by a chapter by Henryk Kardela, who discusses how meanings and forms are fused into single morphological units. Krzysztof Kosecki turns the readers’ attention on the prototype of narrative and emotion in E. Hemingway’s story Cat in the Rain and on the analysis of Thomas Mann’s The Magic Mountain. Przemysław Krakowian's interesting article explains the role of Multi Facet Rash Analysis in tests of oral production. Ourania Papadima expertly overviews the very important categories of second language pedagogy, ESP and EAP. Jana Richterova provides an analysis of resource books for advanced learners of English. Nezrin Samedova-Hajiyeva’s chapter centres on the grammatical category of aspect. Last, Jacek Waliński describes the categorization of directional verbs in English.
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