Źródło opisu
IBUK Libra
Katalog zbiorów
Forma i typ
Kończak Izabela
Lewicka Magdalena
Widy-Behiesse Marta
Rok wydania
2010 - 2019
Kraj wydania
2 wyniki Filtruj
W koszyku
As we prepare this book for publication, the enthusiasm for the «Arab Spring» has proved entirely misguided. The situation across the Middle East is now more dangerous than it has been for half a century. Tunisia’s revolution sparked a string of regional uprisings which ousted the rulers of Egypt, Libya and Yemen, leading to chaos in Egypt and anarchy in Libya, as well as to conflict in Syria. Several major world powers have become embroiled in the latter and the conflict evolved into full scale war. Although Bashar al-Assad of Syria still has control over some territories due to his secret police and the armed forces, he cannot, and probably has no interest in stopping the expansion of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) - a Salafi militant organization born in 2014 in the political vacuum in Iraq left by the fall of Saddam Hussein. With thousands of migrants fleeing conflict-torn countries of the Middle East, Europe is currently struggling to cope with a massive refugee influx, although the vast majority of the refugees have remained in the region, especially in the camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Some European countries, including Germany and Sweden, opened their gates to refugees, while others (i. e. Poland and Hungary) refused to take the migrants. Undoubtedly, the migrant crisis has been feeding xenophobia and political populism - anti-immigrant sentiment was one of the reasons why the British voted to leave the European Union in referendum held in June, 2016.
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