Katalog zbiorów
Form of Work
Wypożyczalnia Główna (Kościuszki 6)
Filia nr 1 (Zielona 40)
Filia nr 2 (Kilińskiego 8a)
Filia nr 3 (Rembielińskiego 11)
Filia nr 4 (Krzywoustego 3)
Filia nr 5 (Karadzica 1)
Filia nr 6 (Czwartaków 4)
Filia nr 7 (Piaska 5)
Filia nr 8 (Walecznych 20)
Filia nr 9 (Orzechowa 5a)
Filia nr 10 (Borowicka 3)
Filia nr 11 (Armii Krajowej 1a)
Filia nr 12 (Ciechomicka 68)
Filia nr 13 (Dobrzyńska 2a)
Roberts Nora (1950- )
Cast Kristin
Cast Phyllis Christine (1960- )
Cast Phyllis Christine (1960- ). House of night
Gregory Philippa (1954- )
Gardner Urszula
Komornicka Aleksandra (tłumaczka)
Michałowska-Gabrych Iwona
Wood Barbara (1947- )
Bober Karolina
Dobrzańska-Gadowska Anna
Erickson Carolly (1943- )
Fielding Joy (1945- )
Grabska-Ryńska Maria
Gregory Philippa (1954- ). Cousins' war
Gregory Philippa (1954- ). Saga rodu Laceyów
Gregory Philippa (1954- ). Tudor court novels
Kinkel Tanja
Korombel Paweł Jakub (1952- )
Krzyżanowska Bożena
Lewikowa Zdzisława
Milcarz Andrzej
Milewska Hanna (1960- )
Nowak Anna Maria
Olejnik Donata
Roberts Nora (1950- ). Chesapeake Bay saga
Roberts Nora (1950- ). Dream
Wojnakowski Ryszard (1956- )
Young Robyn (1975- )
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
Time Period of Creation
Demographic Group
Literatura amerykańska
Elżbieta (królowa ; żona Edwarda IV, króla Anglii ; 1437?-1492)
Subject: time
Powieść angielska
Powieść kanadyjska
Powieść niemiecka
17 results Filter
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 59788) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 6 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wm A/Z_10157.A (nr inw. 10157) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 52272) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 59791) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 G (nr inw. 8583) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 52333) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 35757) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 G (nr inw. 9319) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 66751) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 60793) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 8 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wm A/Z_155463 (nr inw. 155463) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 38459) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 188532) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 52988) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 17107) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 32200) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 18198) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 22509) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 189695) (1 egz.)
In basket
(Cykl "Wojna Dwu Róż" / Philippa Gregory 3)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 66682) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 10 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W A/Z(O)_151975 (nr inw. 151975) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 52643) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 52119, 60330) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 187505) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 27816) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 52094) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 29829) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 31805) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 17819) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 21943) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W A/Z(B)_156048 (nr inw. 156048) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wm A/Z_141441 (nr inw. 141441) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 250) (1 egz.)
In basket
(Seria Koronkowa)
(Saga marzeń / Nora Roberts ; 2)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 10803) (1 egz.)
In basket
(Seria Koronkowa.)
Form of Work
Demographic Group
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 187810) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 12 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W A/Z(O)_153708 (nr inw. 153708) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 38202) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 M (nr inw. 51751) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently on loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 52496) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 59919) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 188066) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 52527) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 16844) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 31990)
All copies are currently unavailable
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 18005) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently on loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 22182) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W A/Z(O)_156298 (nr inw. 156298) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 10 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 37942) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 51525) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 63798) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 187255) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 27726) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 29759) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82-3 (nr inw. 16575) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 31754) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 9638) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 17802) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in 4 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 39978) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 62344) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 31976) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821-3 (nr inw. 33406) (1 egz.)
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
All copies are currently on loan: sygn. W A/Z(B)_151563 (nr inw. 151563) (1 egz.)
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