Katalog zbiorów
Form of Work
Wypożyczalnia Główna (Kościuszki 6)
Biblioteka Dziecięca (Sienkiewicza 2)
Czytelnia (Kościuszki 6)
Filia nr 1 (Zielona 40)
Filia nr 3 (Rembielińskiego 11)
Filia nr 4 (Krzywoustego 3)
Filia nr 5 (Karadzica 1)
Filia nr 7 (Piaska 5)
Filia nr 11 (Armii Krajowej 1a)
Filia nr 12 (Ciechomicka 68)
Marchewka Anna
Belina Sabina
Cykowska Magdalena
Waśkiewicz Andrzej Krzysztof (1941-2012)
Bednarska Aleksandra
Grześkowiak Radosław (1968- )
Kasperowicz Marta
Kotarski Edmund
Lisowska Zofia
Martuszewska Anna (1932- )
Puzyna-Chojka Joanna (1969-2018)
Tomaszewski Feliks (1954- )
1990 - 1999
Mickiewicz, Adam (1798-1855)
Białoszewski, Miron (1922-1983)
Broniewski, Władysław (1897-1962)
Gombrowicz, Witold (1904-1969)
Herling-Grudziński, Gustaw (1919-2000)
Kochanowski, Jan (1530-1584)
Krall, Hanna (1937- )
Morsztyn, Jan Andrzej (1621-1693)
Mrożek, Sławomir (1930-2013)
Sienkiewicz, Henryk (1846-1916)
Słowacki, Juliusz (1809-1849)
Subject: work
Ballady i romanse
Odprawa posłów greckich
Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem
Subject: time
800-701 p.n.e.
600-501 p.n.e.
700-601 p.n.e.
Materiały pomocnicze dla szkół
Dramat polski
Epos grecki
Poezja polska
Powieść polska
Literatura grecka
Literatura polska
Poezja grecka
Ballada polska
Opowiadanie polskie
17 results Filter
Other collections
In basket
"Ferdydurke" Witolda Gombrowicza. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 45, [3]s. ; 21 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
884(091)"19":929 Gombrowicz W.
This item is available in 5 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99191 (nr inw. 99191) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99190) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) (nr inw. 48504) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158504, 158505, 158506) (3 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99839 (nr inw. 99839), Wls_99840 (nr inw. 99840) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 (nr inw. 99838) (1 egz.)
In basket
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
875(091)-1"-06/-05"(075.3) 82
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82 (nr inw. 21084) (1 egz.)
In basket
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
884(091)-1"18"(075.2/.3)A/Z 82(091)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82(091) (nr inw. 1941) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
"Ballady i romanse" Adama Mickiewicza. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 59, [5] s. ; 21 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
This item is available in 4 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99540 (nr inw. 99540) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99539) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158838, 158839) (2 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Jan Andrzej Morsztyn - poeta konceptu. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 43, [5]s. ; 21 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
884(091)"16":929 Morsztyn J.A.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99155 (nr inw. 99155), Wls_99156 (nr inw. 99156) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99154) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
"Kordian" Juliusza Słowackiego. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 59, [5] s. ; 21 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
884(091)"18":929 Słowacki Juliusz
This item is available in 3 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99542 (nr inw. 99542) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99541) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158840, 158841, 158842) (3 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
884(091)"15":929 Kochanowski Jan
This item is available in 3 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99419 (nr inw. 99419), Wls_99420 (nr inw. 99420) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99418) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158509, 158510) (2 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
884(091)"19":929 Krall Hanna
This item is available in 5 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99188 (nr inw. 99188) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99187) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82 (nr inw. 31039) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) (nr inw. 48432), 884(091) (nr inw. 37358, 37360) (3 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158497, 158499, 158500) (3 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
"Iliada" Homera / Anna Marchewka. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 46, [2] s. ; 20 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99699 (nr inw. 99699), Wls_99700 (nr inw. 99700) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99698) (1 egz.)
In basket
"Iliada" Homera / Anna Marchewka. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 46, [2] s. ; 20 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
875(091)-1"-07"(075.3)A/Z 82(091)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82(091) (nr inw. 1907) (1 egz.)
In basket
"Iliada" Homera / Anna Marchewka. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 46, [2] s. ; 20 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
875(091)-1"-07"(075.3)A/Z 82
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 82 (nr inw. 12478) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
(Analizy Literackie)
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 884(091) (nr inw. 46708) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 884(091) A (nr inw. 162497) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in 3 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99719 (nr inw. 99719), Wls_99720 (nr inw. 99720) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99718) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 159360, 159361, 159362) (3 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Poezja Władysława Broniewskiego. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 62, [2]s. ; 21 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
This item is available in 5 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99185 (nr inw. 99185), Wls_99186 (nr inw. 99186) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. C/Ploc 82 (nr inw. 99184) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) (nr inw. 48503), 884(091) (nr inw. 37356, 37357) (3 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158507, 158508) (2 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable: sygn. 82 (nr inw. 33392)
Other collections
In basket
Twórczość Mirona Białoszewskiego. - Gdańsk : Wydaw. Marek Rożak, 1994. - 60, [4]s. ; 21 cm.
(Analizy Literackie)
This item is available in 5 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wls_99195 (nr inw. 99195), Wls_99194 (nr inw. 99194) (2 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Cm 82 A/Z (nr inw. 99193) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 884(091) (nr inw. 37354, 37355), 821.162.1(091) (nr inw. 48433) (3 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 821.162.1(091) A (nr inw. 158502, 158503) (2 egz.)
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