Katalog zbiorów
Form of Work
Wypożyczalnia Główna (Kościuszki 6)
Biblioteka Dziecięca (Sienkiewicza 2)
Czytelnia (Kościuszki 6)
Filia nr 3 (Rembielińskiego 11)
Filia nr 5 (Karadzica 1)
Filia nr 6 (Czwartaków 4)
Filia nr 7 (Piaska 5)
Filia nr 8 (Walecznych 20)
Filia nr 9 (Orzechowa 5a)
Filia nr 11 (Armii Krajowej 1a)
Filia nr 13 (Dobrzyńska 2a)
Jackowski Jan Maria (1958- )
Jackowski Jan Maria (1958- ). Bitwa o prawdę
Konopczyński Władysław
Chołoniewski Antoni (1872-1924)
Kukołowicz Romuald
Nowak Jerzy Robert (1940- )
Pirożyński Marian
Beddermann Carl
Bojarski Włodzimierz Witold (1930- )
Bączek Piotr
Bąk Piotr
Czachorowski Marek
Czuba Krystyna (1937- )
Konopczyński Władysław (1880-1952)
Krąpiec Mieczysław Albert (1921-2008)
Leśniak Antoni
Pirożyński Marian (1899-1964)
Sławiński Romuald
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Kościół katolicki
Transformacja systemu społeczno-gospodarczego
Nauka społeczna Kościoła katolickiego
Wychowanie moralne
Integracja europejska
Kościół a państwo
Polityka gospodarcza
Unia Europejska
Etyka seksualna
Kokułowicz Romuald
Kościól katolicki
Kukołowicz Romuald
Stefan Wyszyński (błogosławiony ; 1901-1981)
Wychowanie seksualne
Wyszyński Stefan, Kardynał
Środki masowego przekazu
Subject: time
Subject: place
Publicystyka polska
26 results Filter
No cover
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In basket
Duch dziejów Polski / Antoni Chołoniewski. - Warszawa : Ad astra, cop. 2000. - 153, [1] s. ; 21 cm.
(Jubileuszowa Seria "Nasza Przeszłość" ; 2)
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wm_118899 (nr inw. 118899) (1 egz.)
No cover
In basket
Duch dziejów Polski. - Warszawa : "ad astra", 2000. - 153, [3] s. ; 21 cm.
(Nasza Przeszłość)
Symbol UKD (080)
94(438).03/.07 94(438)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 94(438) (nr inw. 22493) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Media i władza / Krystyna Czuba ; z il. Romualda Sławińskiego. - Wyd. 2 poszerz. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 1995 (Ząbki : "Apostolicum"). - 173, [3] s. : il. ; 20 cm.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 316 (nr inw. 169422) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Bitwa o Polskę / Jan Maria Jackowski. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 1992. - 187, [5] s. ; 21 cm.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 156686) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Bitwa o Polskę / Jan Maria Jackowski. - [Dodr.]. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 1993. - 187, [5] s. ; 21 cm.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wm_95609 (nr inw. 95609) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 169932) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 20741) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 169930) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 20739) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 169931) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 20740) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_122901 (nr inw. 122901) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Zagrożenia dla Polski i polskości. [T.1]. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 1998. - 474, [2] s. ; 21 cm.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_112116 (nr inw. 112116) (1 egz.)
No cover
Other collections
In basket
Zagrożenia dla Polski i polskości. [T.2]. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 1998. - 456, [8] s. ; 21 cm.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_112117 (nr inw. 112117) (1 egz.)
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 32 (nr inw. 170945, 170946) (2 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Kształcenie charakteru / Marian Pirożyński. - Wyd. nowe. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 1992. - 157, [3] s. : 1 portr. ; 20 cm.
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_95386 (nr inw. 95386) (1 egz.)
Other collections
In basket
Kształcenie charakteru. - Wyd. nowe. - Warszawa : "ad astra", 2001. - 157, [3] s. : 2 portr. ; 21 cm.
Symbol UKD (080)
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_125125 (nr inw. 125125) (1 egz.)
In basket
Kształcenie charakteru / Marian Pirożyński. - Wyd. nowe. - Warszawa : "Ad Astra", 2001. - 157, [2] s. : 2 portr. ; 21 cm.
Symbol UKD (080)
159.923:37.034:37.041:241 159.9
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 159.9 (nr inw. 37106) (1 egz.)
No cover
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. Wm_128672 (nr inw. 128672) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_129543 (nr inw. 129543) (1 egz.)
All copies are currently unavailable
No cover
Other collections
In basket
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
There are copies available to loan: sygn. W_104428 (nr inw. 104428) (1 egz.)
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